- How will your personal finances suffer or benefit through 2010?
- Will you be able to manage after over spending during the Christmas period of 2009 / 2010?
- What if you suffer a change in circumstance that prevents you from working?
- Change where you buy your food, shop around for like for like quality at better prices!
- Where do you fill up your car, is there anywhere a little less expensive locally to your home or work?
- How often do you buy clothes or items that are not due for change, could you cut back?
- How do you consider luxury items, are they a need or a want?
- Can you earn a extra money from spare time or from your existing job? Ask your boss!
- Do you really understand how professional financial management can help you?
The only way to achieve a good state of financial management is to make a budget to live within each month and stick to it. If you vary or stray away from the budget or financial statement you have prepared, things will become unmanageable. Not only will you not have money for day to day living costs but you will not be able to deal with unexpected problems like car breakdowns, washing machine troubles, etc...
If you are not sure how to make a budget there is plenty of help available online and certain companies will actually help you to prepare these budgets. There is little point in preparing a budget if you are not going to stick with it and most people that start one benefit from the effort they put in.
If you are struggling with personal debt and need help to prepare a debt management plan that will be managed for you and dealt with by us or jut need general debt help and advice,
please call free using 0800 018 6868, lines are open 24 hours.