- A simple personal debt guide about online financial terms and UK personal debt terminology.
- This personal debt guide explains common financial terms used within the UK debt and personal credit industry.
Personal Debt help & IVA Advice -- BLOG DISCLAIMER -- Opinions expressed on this blog and relating messages posted by this author online are soley those of this author only & not the opinions or views of Lewis Alexander Limited the company. Our Initial advice is free, ongoing services are chargeable.
Lewis Alexander Personal Uk Debt Consolidation Services Blog

0800 018 6868 - Lines open 24 hrs / 7 days
Saturday, 10 September 2011
Personal Debt Guide
Monday, 11 July 2011
Debt consolidation Help and Advice for a Fresh Start
- UK debt consolidation advice could be all you need for a fresh start
Get advice to help clear your personal debts in the UK
Debt help is not purely about just being told what you need, sign a piece of paper to tie you into yet another contract and then reap the rewards of poor debt management plans. To really get to the bottom of an individuals personal debt situation takes care, attention and tact because people often feel embarrassed and vulnerable when it comes to talking about debt on our debt helpline.Our debt advice UK advisors won't just try to convince you to enter an IVA or Debt Management Plan unless it is the correct and best debt consolidation advice for you, they will want a proper discussion to carefully work out what would be the most beneficial debt management solution for you as an individual.
Do you need just ONE, affordable monthly repayment to pay all your unsecured debts!
This can be a possibility subject to your status through effective debt management and building a personal debt help plan that will address your specific situation.Once that has been established we can recommend what personal debt consolidation solutions we think would suit you best meaning you will be better placed to make an informed choice about your financial future. Our recommendations may include any of the following.Debt Management UK
Debt Consolidation
IVA or Individual Voluntary Arrangement
Protected Trust Deed in Scotland
Personal Loans
You will have an idea of how serious things have become by how much stress you feel under to pay bills each month. Obviously, if things are so bad that you are not paying your mortgage arrears each month, you could be about to lose your home so something has to be done quickly. Other lesser bills can be dealt with equally efficiently and this can help to keep creditors away from your door and off the phone.
Some of the more formal options, such as the IVA or Individual Voluntary Arrangement, actually guarantee the end of creditors writing, calling or visiting you to try and get cash from you. They usually respect the process of an IVA and once agreed they should not harass you for interest or charges.
Struggling because of a poor or bad credit history / score?
You may be struggling to get credit because of a rocky patch in your past. Find out what can be done to repair your credit rating by examining your credit reference files and ensuring everything is correct. Find information about how to repair your credit ratingCall and one of our trained advisors will give you confidential advice!
Call free from a land line using 0800 018 6868 and make a fresh start today!
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
The forecast is still decidedly cloudy in the housing market
Whilst fish & chips, afternoon tea and owning your own home are classically British traits, our continental cousins in France and Italy are still happy to pay rent for their homes. So is this preference toward ‘bricks and mortar’ investment healthy?
For many years this model of owning a home did indeed make sense. Location flexibility was required by only a few employers and as families tended to stay close to their roots, purchasing a house as an investment and something to pass on to the kids (or to sell and fund a retirement) worked out as a great all round option.
Then along came the Eighties’ and with it a housing boom and an even tougher bust with interest rates soaring toward 20%. Then in the late Nineties and most of the Naughties came along another considerable period of house price rises, until the financial turmoil and fall out from the now infamous Sub-Prime lending.
This has left many British families who had gambled their financial futures on house price rises starting to sweat and require debt advice UK. Sure a period of negative growth had hurt a little bit – and indeed a blanket drop of approximately 30% across the UK (London excepted!) did initially look a bit scary.
It also means that somewhere between 10 & 15% of UK mortgage holders are still in ‘negative equity’ meaning that their possibility of moving is restricted, unless they effectively find another deposit to help them secure a mortgage.
For example, a couple who earn £40,000 between them and bought a £200k house with 100% mortgage (i.e. a £200,000 mortgage) in 2007 could now expect that house to be worth less than £200k today.
If that couple had lost their jobs through redundancies and now wanted to move to a similarly sized house in a new area for a new job, then they could be some thousands of pounds short of the amount needed to repay their original loan.
In addition, under current mortgage lending criteria, most lenders are not offering mortgages for any less than 85-90%.
So, with this kind of scenario stopping people already on the property ladder from moving, then it’s up to the first time buyer to help oil the wheels of recovery for the housing market.
For many years this model of owning a home did indeed make sense. Location flexibility was required by only a few employers and as families tended to stay close to their roots, purchasing a house as an investment and something to pass on to the kids (or to sell and fund a retirement) worked out as a great all round option.
Then along came the Eighties’ and with it a housing boom and an even tougher bust with interest rates soaring toward 20%. Then in the late Nineties and most of the Naughties came along another considerable period of house price rises, until the financial turmoil and fall out from the now infamous Sub-Prime lending.
This has left many British families who had gambled their financial futures on house price rises starting to sweat and require debt advice UK. Sure a period of negative growth had hurt a little bit – and indeed a blanket drop of approximately 30% across the UK (London excepted!) did initially look a bit scary.
- Prices were sure to rebound… weren’t they?
- So with no real sign of prices returning to late 2007 highs, where does this leave ‘Alarm Clock Britain’?
- Ok, but what does this actually mean?
It also means that somewhere between 10 & 15% of UK mortgage holders are still in ‘negative equity’ meaning that their possibility of moving is restricted, unless they effectively find another deposit to help them secure a mortgage.
For example, a couple who earn £40,000 between them and bought a £200k house with 100% mortgage (i.e. a £200,000 mortgage) in 2007 could now expect that house to be worth less than £200k today.
If that couple had lost their jobs through redundancies and now wanted to move to a similarly sized house in a new area for a new job, then they could be some thousands of pounds short of the amount needed to repay their original loan.
In addition, under current mortgage lending criteria, most lenders are not offering mortgages for any less than 85-90%.
So, with this kind of scenario stopping people already on the property ladder from moving, then it’s up to the first time buyer to help oil the wheels of recovery for the housing market.
- If you are struggling with personal debt or have mortgage arrears due to debt problems, call Lewis Alexander today using 0800 018 6868, calls are FREE from a land line.
housing market,
personal debts
United Kingdom
Thursday, 23 June 2011
Ashamed to ask for Debt Help
Get advice about your debts and help with your money,
A lot of people are fighting personal debt and the ones who get out of debt quickly are the ones who get proper help to clear debt as early as possible.
If you feel you perhaps need debt management UK or are maybe not sure whether our help is necessary, call us or get in touch using 0800 018 6868 so one of our advisors can talk to you to ascertain whether or not you might benefit from our advice.
Money trouble is one of the biggest causes of divorce in the UK and can even cause serious stress induced illnesses. Our debt management plan is designed to take away the stress at the same time as removing the debts in a pain free and organised manner.
We offer people tried and tested ways to better organise their debts in an attempt to pay off those debts in a timely way that doesn't incur further interest or charges, this can not be guaranteed. We work in conjunction with your creditors and because everything is agreed by all parties, the constant barrage of creditors letters and phone calls also tends to cease.
Our main aim has always been to financially empower consumers to regain control of the quality of their lives through education and financial management through UK debt help.
To this end we focus on the vulnerable people in society as well as the well off. The following groups of people find our help invaluable on a regular basis.
- There is no shame in asking the people who know the answers for help when it comes to personal debt.
- The alternative could be getting deeper and deeper into debt making it harder and harder to escape from.
- Wait no longer, ask for that help today.
A lot of people are fighting personal debt and the ones who get out of debt quickly are the ones who get proper help to clear debt as early as possible.
If you feel you perhaps need debt management UK or are maybe not sure whether our help is necessary, call us or get in touch using 0800 018 6868 so one of our advisors can talk to you to ascertain whether or not you might benefit from our advice.
Money trouble is one of the biggest causes of divorce in the UK and can even cause serious stress induced illnesses. Our debt management plan is designed to take away the stress at the same time as removing the debts in a pain free and organised manner.
We offer people tried and tested ways to better organise their debts in an attempt to pay off those debts in a timely way that doesn't incur further interest or charges, this can not be guaranteed. We work in conjunction with your creditors and because everything is agreed by all parties, the constant barrage of creditors letters and phone calls also tends to cease.
Organise your debts better with debt management solutions.
Consolidate debts into one easily affordable monthly repayment
Lay out a formal repayment plan with an IVA or Individual Voluntary Arrangement
Our main aim has always been to financially empower consumers to regain control of the quality of their lives through education and financial management through UK debt help.
To this end we focus on the vulnerable people in society as well as the well off. The following groups of people find our help invaluable on a regular basis.
- Single parent in debt.
- People recently made redundant and in debt.
- Retired people with debts.
- People who have just lost a loved one and have been left with debts after a death.
Get help today by calling 0800 018 6868 now!
Monday, 20 June 2011
Personal debt advice and help
- Get debt advice that will actually make a difference!
It does not matter what time of day you decide to get debt help, our lines are open to take your call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. So if you have woken again during the night and have decided it is time to change your financial future, we are happy to take your call.
- Call us right now! Day or night you can call FREE from a BT land line using 0800 018 3345.
- We offer personal UK debt advice and help that you can rely on!
We have a work ethic that we are rightly proud of. We offer totally confidential advice on debt to people struggling through a very difficult and sometimes awkward part of their life. We do not take advantage of our clients when they are at their most vulnerable. We guide them and advise them how to clear debts the simplest and most economical way we can recommend. From students to pensioners we can and do help most people with debt management UK.
Personal debt affects different people in different ways because everyone has different circumstances and different lifestyles. We aim to find a solution for you which is tailored to suit your own set of circumstances and will hopefully align itself to your own lifestyle.
Firstly, remember that debt consolidation advice should not be costing you a single penny. If you have been offered advice at a cost, then perhaps you should walk away. We could be able to help you pay off all of your debts and you could obtain one affordable monthly repayment. We can also try to halt any interest charges that you may currently be being charged by store and credit cards through a debt management plan but this can not be guaranteed.
Individual Voluntary Arrangement or IVA
IVA or Individual Voluntary Arrangements have a fixed repayment period of no more than 60 months ending on a specific end date which you are aware of from the beginning. After this date, all your debts are usually cleared. In England and Wales, creditors have to freeze all further interest and charges by law (In Scotland an IVA is better known as a Trust Deed. Once you have made your final repayment, all outstanding debts are usually legally written off by your creditors. Creditors are held to the agreed repayment amounts throughout an IVA and should not alter them.
Do you know that you have failed an IVA and wish to gain further help or advice.
Do you want more information about the alternatives to bankruptcy in England
If you would like to read our client testimonials in full please visit our client testimonial page for full details.
To find out if we can help you start to clear your debts, call 0800 018 3345 now!
Friday, 1 April 2011
Do not fool around with debt in April
April is not a time to be fooling around if you have personal debt problems. It is a time when if careful, you can really plan a solid financial routine for the rest of the year. Christmas was only round the last corner and it will be Summer soon. You do not want to be worrying about court actions and solicitor letters from credit companies and their collection agents when you could be out enjoying the spring and summer air! Get your finances sorted! If you are still reading this article you are either genuinely interested or seriously over committed with personal debt.
Lewis Alexander helps many people every day to consolidate their personal debts or just gain friendly advice to set them on the road to their own managed financial stability.
The hard part of a sound financial life is good planning, when you start it really is quite simple, it is the thought of delving into the unknown that is the frightening part and this can stop most of us being financially OK!
This article is designed to get you thinking about how you could better plan the rest of your year financially if trying to clear debt, what would you like to buy friends or family for birthdays and Christmas this year? There are 5 simple letters you must remember and can apply to your finances and most areas of your life.
PPPPP - Perfect Planning Prevents Pathetic Performance!
If you need advice on personal debt problems and you are a UK resident over 18, please contact Lewis Alexander Financial Planning, online or visit our debt help website for further details.
We can help with debt management, bankruptcy, personal loans and an IVA or Trust Deeds,
Call 0800 018 6868 FREE today in total confidence!
Lewis Alexander helps many people every day to consolidate their personal debts or just gain friendly advice to set them on the road to their own managed financial stability.
The hard part of a sound financial life is good planning, when you start it really is quite simple, it is the thought of delving into the unknown that is the frightening part and this can stop most of us being financially OK!
This article is designed to get you thinking about how you could better plan the rest of your year financially if trying to clear debt, what would you like to buy friends or family for birthdays and Christmas this year? There are 5 simple letters you must remember and can apply to your finances and most areas of your life.
PPPPP - Perfect Planning Prevents Pathetic Performance!
If you need advice on personal debt problems and you are a UK resident over 18, please contact Lewis Alexander Financial Planning, online or visit our debt help website for further details.
We can help with debt management, bankruptcy, personal loans and an IVA or Trust Deeds,
Call 0800 018 6868 FREE today in total confidence!
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
One in Ten adults permanently overdrawn
What traditionally was considered a facility to cover yourself for the unintentional ‘slip-up’ towards the end of the month (when your wages had run out!) is increasingly becoming a necessity, new research commissioned by Money Supermarket has claimed.
According to the internet company, being overdrawn is now a permanent fixture for 10% of UK adults and this figure increases to 16% in the 20-29 age category.
It is this youngest age group which caused researchers most concern as almost half this age-group had fallen into the red in the last year requiring debt advice UK. When this is combined with the poor savings habits of the young it makes for grim reading.
Unsurprisingly it is the ‘grey’ bank account holders that seem to manage their money best, with only 18% of those aged 70+ using their overdraft at all during the past 12 months!
So is this increasing use of the overdraft facility a worrying trend, slack financial management, or simply a reflection on the extraordinarily tough economic conditions that preside in the UK at the start of 2011?
- This blog writer is of the opinion that a combination of all is to blame.
The hidden mystery and respect for the local bank manager has dissipated over the past 20 years, to the point where they are now little more than sales managers. The banks would have you believe that all staff are ‘customer service representatives’, but make no mistake, the smiling friendly face in your local branch has sales targets tattooed on their brain! This culture means that when you go into the bank, the banks staff actively try to sell you an overdraft, instead of pointing you to the virtues of impeccable fiscal restraint and planning. When this is coupled with the fact that having an overdraft (or at least applying for one) is tagged on to the account opening process – in the same way that having a debit card is – it is hardly surprising that the trend for having overdrafts in the first instance is increasing. And of course, once you have one… its easy to spend!
Next on the ‘blame’ list is the slack financial management that pervades the UK.
- But where has this come from?
- Were we always this bad?
Internet research suggests not and indeed if you ask any person of pensionable age and they are likely to blame the ‘I want it and I want it now!’ age. Re-wind back to the 1960s and it was normal to save hard before finally making a purchase. But that wasn’t all… the modern age is said to have become a time when an incredible variety of gadgets, cars, items, jewellery, clothes and indeed furniture are said to be ‘needed’.
Whereas our relatives who saved in the 60’s and before were saving to buy one item, rather than several! Add in the fact that very few households truly understand their monthly outgoings and Houston, we have a problem.
The tough economic conditions are the final leg of this increasing tendency to use the overdraft. It has been well documented that food price inflation, energy bill increases and the sky-high cost of petrol are hitting ‘Alarm Clock Britain’ hard. As this creates an increasing squeeze on household budgets, the inevitable consequence is to dip into the overdraft. However, this type of overdraft usage isn’t the occasional slip-up… it’s the use of a credit facility to fund every day living.
If you find you are in this position and are living in your overdraft each and every month, then you might want to consider a financial health check from Lewis Alexander.
By calling us FREE from land lines using 0800 018 6868, our trained debt management consultants can help review your financial position and can offer options to help you get out of debt. It is rare for UK adults to only have one line of credit – an overdraft – and because of this we have a wide range of experience in helping clients with a variety of personal debt problems, from struggling with a small loan, through to those with on the verge of bankruptcy.
- Call today using 0800 018 6868 to see if we can help you!
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
Why the doorstep loan and cash loans are not a long term debt solution
You can hardly watch 30 minutes of TV without catching at least one advert break in 2011 - and the chances are that this commercial interlude will include at least one entry from a financial services provider!
Increasingly, these companies are concentrating their efforts on the lowest earners in the UK and the most recent phenomenon of the doorstep or pay-day loan. Typically ranging between £50 and £1500 and lasting for between 5 and 30 days, these loans are designed to help those who run out of cash at the end of the month and need a cash injection before their wages are paid, in order to meet pay their everyday expenses.
According to a recent survey, most households run out of cash on the 22nd or 23rd of each month. As most of the employed workforce in the UK are now paid once per month they will be familiar with these barren final few days until the next pay check comes in.
In the not-to-distant past, this gap would be filled by taking ‘overtime’ at the factory or by pawning your grandfather’s watch, but the modern equivalent is to walk into the various cash shops that have opened up offering payday loans or to visit the websites or indeed i-phone applications that are available.
An alarming number of UK households are now using pay-day loans on a semi-regular basis to help see them through. In many cases those taking the loan do not realise that rates of up to 3000% can be charged for such loans. Crass calculations for sure, but what these ‘telephone number’ APRs do demonstrate is that a closer look into this areas is required. The fact that the loan is repaid in such a short period of time does have an effect on the APR being higher.
By the time that you have borrowed £100 for 2 weeks, it is common to repay a total of in and around £120. That £20 might seem like a small price to pay, but in effect this ‘eats’ £20 into your wages each month that you use a doorstep or payday loan company.
Furthermore, should you fail to make the agreed repayment, then the £100 borrowed can quickly turn into hundreds and even thousands as late payment penalties, bounced bank direct debits and the somewhat dubious administration charges are applied to the cost of the loan.
So why is the UK turning ‘en masse’ to this form of lending? In the past, if you were short at the end of the month, it would involve one quick call to your bank to request a short-term overdraft or extension to your overdraft. Now with the state of bank finances, these short-term requests are increasingly falling on deaf ears as banks tighten their purse strings. The result is that increasing numbers flock to doorstep loan companies for what they see as a quick fix to their financial struggles.
Is it this ‘ease of availability’ that customers are drawn to? Or the flashy ‘friendly’ looking advertisements? Or indeed the fact that these companies are not the large corporate banking organisations that the public increasingly blame for the hard-times experienced in the current economy.
Perhaps it is more appropriate to blame a lack of education and public understanding of what a failure to repay the short-term advance would entail. Instead of the government looking to legislate around these large APRs, a more sensible option would be to ensure that customers taking such loans were fully aware of what might happen should they fail to repay the loan – but this subject sounds like an all together different subject for a blog!
If you are experiencing financial difficulty caused by taking out such a loan, then you may want to get some independent help to review your overall financial circumstances to at least stop this debt from escalating further. Here at Lewis Alexander we are available to listen to your personal circumstances before appointing one of our independent debt management consultants to assist you with your case.
Call us today on 0800 018 6868 and we will work with you to help you out of your financial difficulties. All we ask is that our clients have a regular income and a will and determination to improve their circumstances.
Sitting on a situation and taking no action rarely helps, so call us FREE from a land line today on 0800 018 6868 and start to take control of your finances again.
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