Lewis Alexander Personal Uk Debt Consolidation Services Blog

Lewis Alexander Personal Uk Debt Consolidation Services Blog
0800 018 6868 - Lines open 24 hrs / 7 days

Saturday, 3 May 2008

Become clear of debt with direct help & advice

If you are struggling with your finances and require personal debt help or advice, try using a company that offers a free helpline as a starting point.

Companies that charge you for advice are not helping you!

IVA companies, that originally set up as sole IVA providers, are now chasing vulnerable debt management clients, as they are unable to sustain the levels of enquiries they had become accustomed to over the last few years whilst solely providing personal insolvency solutions.

This is strange as the models of some of these businesses were originally based on IVA operations but they seem to be operating in all sectors of late. When a personal insolvency company starts to move in a particular direction that it has been known to have portrayed previously as weak or a little none compliant, it can NOT only be based on changing times, they are possibly struggling to maintain existing levels of turnover from sole provision of the original service offered and this some what compromises the high esteem they may have previously been held in by some!

Lewis Alexander Financial Management urges people to seek advice from specialist debt companies and the consumer should ask the company offering the advice if they are privately or publicly owned. This can sometimes be evidence to the consumer of the true intent behind the company ethos, will they at all stages be compliant in their dealings, advice and debt solutions offered, whilst trying on the other hand to obtain income of sales to sustain hungry investor appetites? Or, are they privately owned and investing in their clients future high level of service by concentrating on improving the service experience current clients enjoy?

The real intention of any personal debt company should be to help the vulnerable consumer clear personal debts as quickly as possible. This is not all ways the case.

Please note that only an IVA can clear debts in 60 months or 5 years.Conditions do apply.

Debt Management will clear your debts and suits many people but no fixed time period or end date can be promised, any individual or company claiming to be able to offer an exact end date for the debt management plan is lying!

For friendly advice regarding all personal debt solutions, please call FREE using 0800 018 6868